

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Would You Rather? : Long Hair or Short Hair

Dear Fashion Enthusiast,

I have always wanted to know what you thought about this....Short Hair or Long Hair?  Well to let you into my past.  I had long hair twice, once when I was a small child and again when I was in high school.  So I know what it is to have both( at least from a man's point of view).  Having short hair is easy.  Seeing as there is not much hair there so there are not many hair styles to do unless you have a short hair and and not a buzz cut like I do.  I enjoy not having to do my hair most days, until it starts to grow out. Now do not get me wrong, I did enjoy having long hair.  It was fun having hair down my back blowing in the wind.  I had it braided most of the time but when I blew it out I kind of look like a troll doll.   But ladies do what you want, let it hang down or put it bus.  To each its own.

Caring about you always,


Friday, February 11, 2011

Follow Friday

Dear Fashion Enthusiast,

Today is follow Friday.  This Friday's shootout goes to @mrbradgoreski. This is one guy who knows his clothes.  You may know him from the Rachel Zoe Project (love her).  But now he is doing his own thing and still looking very stylist.  I want to dress like him when I grow up. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Have You Ever? : Purchase something you didn't want at first?

Dear fashion enthusiast,

Hey whats up?  How are you?  Well I wanted to ask you something.....  Have you ever purchase something you didn't want at first?  I know I have, I do it a lot.  I really cannot explain it but when I go shopping I tell myself what I am going to buy.  Then all of a sudden I'm holding about five extra items in my hands that I didn't intend on buying.  Or if I'm out just to get a new shirt or something, I walk pass a store and something in the window catches my eye and the next thing I know I'm in the store swiping my card buying something else.  Do I have a problem?  I don't think I do.  Look at it like this.....  Its extra walking and exercising walking in, around, and out that store.  Which is always good for things like diabetes or cholesterol.  A good percentage of my wardrobe has been something that I didn't want at first.  Sometimes when you shop you should take a risk.  If not then why waste the time if you are not going to spoil yourself once in awhile.  We all owe it to ourselves, especially during these sad times.  Now don't misinterpret what I'm saying and go broke, in the poor house blaming me.  Just every now and then buy one extra item and take a chance.  Whats the worst that can happen.

Caring about you always,


Hot or Not : Trucker Hats

Dear fashion enthusiast,

ak_trucker_hat1.jpgHey whats up people. Well its that time again. I ask you, what do you think about trucker hats? Well they were nice back then. I am not a big fan, but don't let me change your mind. But anyways, what do you think  about trucker hats.  What does it do for your look? Now I do own variations of it but not trucker hats.  Ashton Kutcher popularized them years ago.  Von Dutch came out with a line of hats that almost everyone was wearing (I think I even had one for a short period and realize i didn't like it), then they gradually just went away and almost disappeared altogether.  All except actual truckers, of course.  If you want to look like you don't really care or a more relaxed look then this could be a possible choice of headwear.  So what is the verdict on trucker hats....HOT or not?

Caring about you always,
